

So, after much battling getting WSO2 API Manager up and running, I finally decided to sit down and just note how to get this running.

If you’re not familiar with WSO2 API Manager, here’s an excerpt from their site:

WSO2 API Manager is a complete solution for designing and publishing APIs, creating and managing a developer community, and for scalably routing API traffic. The WSO2 API Manager is 100% open source. Designed for easy customization, it is extensively pluggable to integrate with existing infrastructure in your enterprise.

Anyway, here’s the steps, simply:

  1. Download the WSO2 zip file from their site.
  2. Install unzip ( sudo apt-get install unzip )
  3. Unzip that file to some directory (e.g. /wso2)
  4. Install Java using the following commands: - sudo apt-get install python-software-properties - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer 5. Check Java version is installed correctly: java -version 6. Set environment variables: - export JAVA_HOME=/usr - export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH} 7. In the bin folder of wherever WSO2 was extracted, run ./wso2server.sh

    Note, that when logging in for the first time it is recommended to change the admin password, but if you do, You have to modify the AuthManager section in the api-manager.xml with the new admin password.