Artificial Intelligence (AI) often brings to mind futuristic robots and high-tech scenarios. However, in the business world, AI is a grounded technology that enhances how we work, analyze, and interact within various industries. This post demystifies AI by explaining its practical applications and how it’s transforming businesses today.
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Using enumerated types in GraphQL mutations
Mutations in GraphQL allow us to update data on our back-end. As with any other service, we want to ensure that any data we receive is in an expected and consistent format, constrained by rules we’ve implemented.
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Implementing context resolutions in GraphQL
GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data
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Using Azure Active Directory to Provide Authentication for an API (Part 2)
The source code for this post can be found over at this GitHub repo.
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Azure Functions with Configuration and Dependency Injection
In my last post I got going with a simple azure function that could be expanded on an used in just about any application.
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